(02/04/2024) - Post Insomnia Dev Diary

Over the weekend, we at TombStoneStudios had the pleasure of exhibiting at the Insomnia gaming festival up in Birmingham!  

During this time, we presented the demo of our latest build of R, W & ME which we can now proudly saying is live here on Itch.io. Some of the many improvements are as follows:

- Inclusion of new in-game cutscenes
- Proper introduction of puzzles
- Environmental destruction overhaul
- Fixes with sensitivity
- Gamepad controller support
- Level design overhaul

These are far from all the changes made but outline some of the major steps we have taken to give players a much better feel for what we have to offer. More updates are to come! 


Robes & Wrinkles 73 MB
Apr 01, 2024

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